UX/UI design


Daba is a Norwegian start-up company that bridges the gap between people with afro-textured hair, to expert stylists in the field. their goal is to make it easy for individuals to find reliable and specialised hair services for their curls, and also for service providers in the field to grow their customer base and put curls on the map.

Daba had their soft launch in the fall of 2023 and have already many users and service providers using it on a regular basis. The site was intricate as users came across many obstacles and bugs along the user flow. Unlucky UX writing and intricate navigation lead to cancelations and bad user experiences. As many startups they had a small budget making the webpage up-to-date and needed investors to buy in on the project.

We helped them making the design for Daba 2025 as a way to sell the concept and get interest from investors in the future attending investor programs. This is a project studying users, user behaviour and competitive visual design to make a concept design that looks real and is easy for users.

Periode: May 20th. - Jun. 24th. 2023

1 Month

The stylist market for afro-textured and curly hair is a marginal market. Lack of knowledge and study programs makes it hard for people finding the professional services for their needs.

Daba 2025

In this project we empathised with the marginal market for afro textured hair, researched the field of competitors and compared it to Daba. We tested Dabaā€™s soft launch design on users and analysed the data ideating for solutions and recommendations to make the concept for the future platform.

We focused on mobile design, the navigation flow and information visuals to make it easier and more intuitive to skim information finding what they want.


With a high focus on consistency we made the map feature for mobile screens more intuitive, shortened the average completion time of browsing, finding and booking with 200 % ā€“and cut the average clicks to end goal from 11 to 6 clicks.

Daba participated in Founderland Berlin this summer where they presented their cause and showcasing the new concept design for 60 big investors. They got further in the investment program and are planning to scale up to Scandinavia.

Business Onboarding

In Dabas original onboarding design, they used a third party application called Mars. The onboarding prosess on Mars was intricate and unclear for users, and Daba had to manually add businesses to the site themself because users felt frustrated and opted out in the process.

Because providers had a hard time making their business profiles on the site, users in need for services didnt find the relevant services they needed, making a dead end of the vision of making an intuitive digital highstreet for the afro textured hair market.

For this site to be successfull, people have to come to the site to find their service for their needs. And to find the service they need, it has to be prividers showcasing specialties.

We analysed the whole onboarding service in an information architecture map and made sense of the different stages and cleaned up the navigation system by gathering and matching stages so that users get a step by step ā€œin one pageā€ onboarding fill out form that makes sense to all users Daba operates with.

Periode: Oct. 2nd. - Dec. 06th. 2023

2 months

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