Cyber Invaders

Pistachio AS

Making people read and stay focused on a web page is a big task today. What if creating a fun, low involvement interaction game as a way of communicating vision, product and tone of voice on a site can give more control over the dramaturgic levels and make people stay.

I took inspiration and base in A Cybersecurity training programme, which makes attack simulations that empowers people and businesses to stay safe in the digital world.

Is it possible to gain full control over peoples concentration level by creating a careful dramaturgic storytelling design?

Could people understand how normal cyber attacks are and stay on the site to read more and sign up to the program?

Elements: Illustrator and Photoshop

Animation: After effects

Bike freedom

Oslo Bysykkel

  • The public city bikes in Oslo are used daily by thousands of citizens and is placed all over the city.

    the bikes are approachable with an application that gives you a map view with the nearest bikes, how many bikes and parkings available. The application choose a random bike number from the selected dock. The user then have to find the respective number, pull it out and ride.

    The bike quality differs from uncomfortable, decent and good alternative for transportation.

    The bad bikes leads to uncomfortable and unfortunate experiences that can become dangerous in the traffic picture.

    Today there is no easy task to change bike or cancel the ride before taking the given bike out of the dock and put it back in the parking, and then wait for the application to sync and get another random bike that’s hopefully better.

  • Citizens using the city bikes service needs an easier way to change and cancel bike rides to gain more effective usage and safety when riding.

  • I made a prototype that let’s users change bikes and cancel rides to delete the frustration of bike experiences leading to dangerous traffic situations and also miss clicks in hectic environments giving the users a more seamless experience with the first step of the user flow.

Elements: Illustrator

Prototype: Figma

Animation: Photoshop

Designinstituttet AS

Student map

  • Moving to a new place can be challenging for students. The limited time between receiving an acceptance letter and starting classes leaves little room for finding suitable accommodation and get comfortable.

    Moreover, being away from familiar surroundings and a support network can lead to feelings of isolation and homesickness. Students might struggle to establish a social circle and integrate into the local community.

  • How can we as a school make the transformation easier for the students

  • To make the transformation easier for the students far away I made a high fidelity prototype with pinned locations.

    We pinned our best recommended places to visit for art, design, architecture and happenings –as well as transportation and grocery stores near the school.

More to come –

More to come –

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